Wow! Almost a year has gone by since I last added some text to this blog and what a year it's been folks. Some fantastic opportunities have come my way and also, on reflection, some mistakes too that I have learned from . . but onward and upward. One of the best moments so far this year have been the release of our own stencils for Skull Painting & Flame Rendering. You can get these in our on-line store and I was so pleased that they sold out before we even got them in stock! More now in stock and also designing lots of new stencils currently and you can check them out very soon on the website at www.organicimage.com The other great opportunity that showed itself this year was the chance to work over in the USA. I have made some very cool new friends with the guys over at American Colors in Naples, Florida and will be traveling out there next year to teach classes from their very cool paintshop and they will be coming over to the UK to help me host some of the first transatlantic airbrush classes - cool eh! Watch this space.

You can see the flame stencil being used here on one of our latest paint jobs 'Angels & Demons'
We've also just invested heavily in camera equipment and DVD authoring software +_ editing packages for Flash and DVD movies so watch out - the airbrush world of Organic Image is going to be available on DVD and via YouTube-styled Flash videos and on-line movies. We will have DVD classes, interactive webcasts, webcam look-ins of the studio and live chats with Beej available globally via the PC screen - cool eh!
Right, better get some work done then, those movies won't make themselves!
L8trs . . Beej